Wednesday, September 11, 2013

7 Months - September 7, 2013

I'm a few days late on baby's 7 month post but her she is...

She had her check up the other day. She weighs 13.5 lbs and is 27 inches long. According to the "percentiles" she is in the bottom for weight and middle for height. My husband and I pretty much hate how they "rate" them. They never take into consideration family background and activity level. As long as she's healthy she can be as tiny and long as she wants.
She is overall a pretty happy baby unless she's tired. This girl will fight sleep so hard sometimes. She doesn't want to miss a thing.
She is still wearing 3-6 month clothing. She broke a tooth through on Sept 8. She has been army crawling for about a month but is now starting to get her butt in the air. We will see if that turns into a crawl soon.
Her nana and papa got her a new swing. She loves it, for now.

She loves to babble. As soon as shes in the car and we are moving she is just a gabbin, like her dad ;)
She loves her puppy. He loves her.
Everyone told me, "It just gets better" and it truly is.

Friday, June 7, 2013

4 Months


You will be 4 months old tomorrow, June 8th. Let me tell you, my love for you has grown so much since the 1st day you were place in my arms. You have such a personality now. You now make it easy to detect your wants and needs. You are constantly rolling over from your back to your tummy and keeping your head up so high. Sure, you get mad and grunt when you are over it but you’re getting so strong. You have officially giggled. Daddy has made you giggle once as have I. Only once though, you’re a tough one to amuse. Maybe we just aren’t that funny to you. You have a new fascination, your hand. If you can get your hand to your mouth, in it goes. When you to get your hand in there you usually gag or make a funny face. Why you keep doing it I will never know.You have started to “play”with little toys. You try your hardest to grab for things and hold on to them. You absolutely love people. As long as someone is looking at you or you are able to look at them, you are content. You don’t even really have to be held, just able to see. You were sleeping through the night until these past 2 weeks. What happened? You spoiled your dad and I. You usually wake up around 3-4am, I feed you for about 5min and you’re out again until time to get ready. Anytime you want to go back to your old ways is fine with me J You love going on long walks in the stroller with us. Unfortunately it has been raining nonstop so we haven’t been able to get outside. You’re doing so great at daycare. You sleep in crib there, one time for a good 3hr stretch. I say it every time, but we are so blessed to have you at such a great place. They really care about you there.
I still am in awe that you are ours. I could watch you and your dad with each other all day. It is the absolute best. You’re going to be a daddy’s girl.
Little girl, you have my whole heart.

I love you


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

3 Months

3 Months = Big Moments


Baby Girl,

 I love you more and more every day. You turned three months old on May 8, 2013. How is the time flying by so fast?

 May has been a busy month for so far. You took your first road trip from one Florida coast to the other in order to meet some very special people. You were able to meet so many important people: your great-aunt, great-uncle, great-cousins, great-grami, your God-parents, your mommy and daddy’s friends. They were all in love with you the moment they saw you. Well, your great-grandmother wasn’t necessarily your favorite but you’ll grow to love her. It did make for some pretty funny photos. I loved being able to take you to my hometown. We made a quick trip to your dad’s hometown on our way back home where you were able to meet some more important people.

 We are so blessed with your daycare and the people there that take care of you. When I bring you there in the mornings you are now starting to smile at them as I hand you off. They love that. I’m not sure what they do with you there but when I walk over to pick you up you are exhausted. I think it’s just so loud there with all the other babies that it is hard for you to nap. Your dad and I are happy about you being worn out because you go to bed so easy and sleep all night long. Thank you daycare!

 Some Milestones: (There aren’t bunches. You are still only 3 months)

-        You try your absolute hardest to sit up. If you are on your back you do everything possible to pull that little head up.

-        You have moved from your bassinet into your crib. It still freaks me out to come get you in the morning and you be completely flipped around. You can stop that

-        You have been enjoying our nightly walks sitting up in the big part of the stroller. I love this because I need to exercise. I just wish the sun wasn’t beaming in your face when we go. Guess we should go later.

-        I think you are in the process of teething because you sure do drool and suck a lot.

-        We have your 3-month check up tomorrow; I think you have to get a shot. I’m sorry

-        You now kind of play with little toys. If only you would open up those little fists!

-        You try and talk. This is my favorite. I hope I can always remember the sound of your little coos.



You are my absolute favorite! How can one love someone so much? My love for you is a daily reminder of how the Lord loves us. Thank you for all the smiles you put on my face.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Back to work...

As of April 1, I am now a full-time working momma. This transition would have been much harder if she wasn't in a daycare right next door to me. Let me explain. I work at a church, yes I work at a church. I say this because most churches have volunteers that do the work. However, this church is different and not one I would ever attend. Anywho, they do treat me so so great here and couldn't be more thankful for this job. I am even more thankful that there is a daycare in connection with the church. This is the daycare Capri goes to. It is one of the best day cares in the county, the cost can prove that statement. The care she receives there is great. She is the youngest by about 2 months, awww....this means she requires a lot more care and time. So far, everything has been working out great. I pump just enough for her to get three bottle feedings from them. I go over on my lunch break to feed her and love on her. Perfect situation right? I absolutely love the women who are watching her! Of course, I would love to be the one who spends all day with her but mommas got to work if we want to live where we do. Plus, I like interacting with adults every now and then. Sorry Capri. I do get sad when I think about how I may miss her "firsts". What if she accomplishes all of her firsts while over there? I guess I could have them call me and I could run the ten steps to catch it. We are oh so blessed. Sure, things have changed since Capri has been born. I am tired. Jack is tired. Money is tight. Everything we do takes extra time. We have more responsibility. However, the Lord does not gives us more than we can handle. I can't handle her cuteness though :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

3 Weeks

Little girl,

You are three weeks old as of last Friday. You are sleeping longer through the night, most of the time. Your always so alert when your awake. I've taken you out and about quite a few times last week (shh... don't tell your pediatrician). Everyone that has seen you falls in love instantly. You have been to two church services and have done so good at both. Yesterday you passed gas through the entire service, your dad was proud and mommy was grossed out. Grandpa came to see you last weekend and Mimi left yesterday from her visit with you this weekend that just passed. They are in complete awe of you, maybe because your their first grand baby. I just love you to pieces. I went to get my hair cut and left you with grandma. Since it's "season" here, the hair place was packed, delaying my return back to you. The entire time I was there all I could think about was getting back home. Of course, grandma did just fine with you. The daycare at my work has an opening for you. As hard as it will be to take you there I am so thankful to be so close to you.

We love you baby girl!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Weeks 1 to 2

just born, in grandpa's arms
   Well baby girl, today marks your being here for two weeks. Wow, what a two weeks it has been. Looking at the photo above of when you were first born to looking at you today makes me realize how fast your going to grow up. Your first week home went pretty good. Your daddy was off of work for the entire week so that was a big help. Well, kind of. You really are only fussy when your hungry and since I'm breastfeeding, there's not much your dad can really do. I do appreciate his hunger to help though. I must say my favorite part of your being here is watching your daddy with you. He loves you unconditionally. We have comes to realize this is the way the Lord loves us, we can do no wrong in His eyes just as you can do no wrong in our eyes.
   You had one bad night where you just did NOT want to sleep. You fought it so hard. I think after about 4 hours, you finally gave up. Well, you had another one of those nights last night. I fed you, changed you, rocked you, nothing worked. Your dad got up to help rock you to sleep. A few times we thought you were out and would put you down only to realize you were not falling for it. You just love being in our arms. We can not get you used to that habit though, we would get no sleep!
My favorite time with you is right after you feed. You make the sweetest yet strangest faces and noises.
  You have amazed us. We are in complete aww of you. To think that we, along with the Lord, are what created you blows us away.
some say it looks like your "Tebowing". We will tell you what that is later!

Friday, February 1, 2013


Well little one, you are "scheduled" to arrive two weeks from today. You could come soon, you could come later. Whatever day you choose will be fine with your daddy and I. We have everything ready for you: the car seat is in, your nursery is set up, we have a list of numbers to call, our pediatrician is picked, etc...We have no idea how our lives are about to change and what joy you will bring to us. I can't wait to meet you, to hold you, to feel you, to dress you. I pray that we do everything we can to protect you. God has given you to us to take care of and to raise up a Godly lady. He will want you back better than when you were given to us. It is our job as parents to follow His will and not ours.

Like I said, we have your nursery ready. Here are a few pictures: Almost all the artwork was made by people who love you.

Your initials "cCp"

Where we will spend a lot of our time with you

Where you will sleep

Your book/toy shelf

Like I said, we have your nursery ready. Here are a few pictures:

Thursday, January 31, 2013

38 weeks...this is going to happen soon

How far along: 38 weeks

Size of the baby:Baby is about the size of a pumpkin and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds (let's hope closer to the 6lb side of the scale) . Her head is now about the same circumference as her abdomen.

Total Weight Gain: About 22lbs

Maternity Clothes: I still haven't been buying a lot of maternity clothes, even though that's all I can wear. I did find some cute tops on sale at Target.

Gender: a GIRL!

Movement: Yes, her little butt and feet are always pushing out. I will definitely miss that.

Sleep: I don't sleep. My body hurts and it's hard to get comfortable. Plus, I think about the birthing process way too much. I know, I need to cast my fears on the Lord and He would solve this

What I miss: Bending down, sleep

Cravings: I made some Puppy Chow the other night. Love that peanut butter mixture.

Symptoms: I'm feeling a lot of pressure in my pelvis area

Best moment this week: Went to the doctor yesterday. I have dilated and thinned out. Her head is way down and it's highly unlikely she will be able to flip.

Looking forward to: Her arrival!!

Obviously the picture above reveals her name. I will tell you how we decided on the name in another post.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Baby Shower #1

We had our first baby shower this past weekend back in my home town, Brevard County. My friend, Tracy put it together along with the help of her mother and mother-in-law. It took place in Merritt Island, FL at her in-laws home on the water. The weather was rainy and cloudy but the inside of the home was warm and inviting. This little girl growing inside is so incredibly loved, as are her parents :)

some of the books we were given displayed


everyone's favorite

so much food

the drink area

Tracy, my friend who put on the shower

We received more than enough clothes, blankets, supplies, etc...

The baby shower was "Book Worm" themed. Everyone who wanted to brought a book instead of a card. With over 30 people there, we didn't get one single duplicate book. She now has a library full of great classics that we will read to her.

We are just three short weeks from meeting this special gift from God. I am getting nervous about the birth process but know I will get through it. We have a church filled with prayer warriors!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

35, almost 36 weeks!

My cousin took some great photos for us. These are just a couple, she is still editing the others.

How i'm feeling:I must say, even though I am larger than I have ever been, I feel great! Its crazy how fast this bump came along. Trips to stores went from no one even taking a second look at my tummy to now having everyone ask, "boy or girl?". I can definitely see why people miss being pregnant. 

How far along: Going in to the 36th week

Size of the baby: About the size of a coconut. She's about 17.2 to 18.7 inches and  about 4.2 to 5.8 lbs 

Total Weight Gain/loss: I have gained a total of 20 lbs so far. 

Maternity Clothes: I have tried to not buy a ton of maternity clothes but pants are all maternity, their just more comfortable. I will say, getting dressed just isn't that fun in the mornings.

Gender: a GIRL!

Movement: She moves all the time. She loves getting hiccups as I prepare to sleep :) 

Sleep: It's been a little better. Not waking up as much as I had been

What I miss: Bending down with no problem, seeing past my belly.

Cravings: I did stop at Cheesecake Factory yesterday...that was a definite craving. 

Symptoms: No real labor symptoms which is good. I really hopes she cooks as long as she can

Best moment this week: Getting the nursery cleaned and set-up. Still have a lot of organizing to do but making progress.

Looking forward to: We have our first baby shower this weekend back in my hometown. Excited to see everyone!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

34 week bump

How Far Along? 34 weeks, can there really only be 6 weeks left?
Size of the Wee One?At my appointment last week she was measuring 17 in long and about 4 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Oh yes. I finally bought a few pairs of jeans from Motherhood. They are so so comfortable.
Weight Gain? I've gained about 17lbs since my last check up but I think that number will be much higher at my next appointment thanks to all the holiday goodies.

Stretch Marks? None yet. I dont really rub anything on the belly either so it's my fault if they pop up
Gender? Girl
Sleep?Sleep has just been my enemy since this pregnancy.
Food Cravings? I've been bad. I eat way too much sugar and carbs
What I Miss? I miss feeling in shape and being able to bend over.
Symptoms? Back pain, tiredness, feeling large 
Belly Button? In...and it better stay that way .
Best Moment? Having random people tell me what I'm having. People love to guess.