Wednesday, May 15, 2013

3 Months

3 Months = Big Moments


Baby Girl,

 I love you more and more every day. You turned three months old on May 8, 2013. How is the time flying by so fast?

 May has been a busy month for so far. You took your first road trip from one Florida coast to the other in order to meet some very special people. You were able to meet so many important people: your great-aunt, great-uncle, great-cousins, great-grami, your God-parents, your mommy and daddy’s friends. They were all in love with you the moment they saw you. Well, your great-grandmother wasn’t necessarily your favorite but you’ll grow to love her. It did make for some pretty funny photos. I loved being able to take you to my hometown. We made a quick trip to your dad’s hometown on our way back home where you were able to meet some more important people.

 We are so blessed with your daycare and the people there that take care of you. When I bring you there in the mornings you are now starting to smile at them as I hand you off. They love that. I’m not sure what they do with you there but when I walk over to pick you up you are exhausted. I think it’s just so loud there with all the other babies that it is hard for you to nap. Your dad and I are happy about you being worn out because you go to bed so easy and sleep all night long. Thank you daycare!

 Some Milestones: (There aren’t bunches. You are still only 3 months)

-        You try your absolute hardest to sit up. If you are on your back you do everything possible to pull that little head up.

-        You have moved from your bassinet into your crib. It still freaks me out to come get you in the morning and you be completely flipped around. You can stop that

-        You have been enjoying our nightly walks sitting up in the big part of the stroller. I love this because I need to exercise. I just wish the sun wasn’t beaming in your face when we go. Guess we should go later.

-        I think you are in the process of teething because you sure do drool and suck a lot.

-        We have your 3-month check up tomorrow; I think you have to get a shot. I’m sorry

-        You now kind of play with little toys. If only you would open up those little fists!

-        You try and talk. This is my favorite. I hope I can always remember the sound of your little coos.



You are my absolute favorite! How can one love someone so much? My love for you is a daily reminder of how the Lord loves us. Thank you for all the smiles you put on my face.